Friday, July 9, 2010

Title of the Blog

This blog might have begun ages ago if I had disovered a good title. I often find my stories mired in a titleless swamp, drowning in their own titlelessness. It’s not a good excuse for writer’s block, but it’s a surprisingly potent one. When I finally did come up with a title, cannibalizing a rejected name for another project, I asked my younger brother what he thought. In between slaying undead skeletons in Dungeons and Dragons online, he considered this carefully before responding, “It’ll work.”

“That’s it?” I asked. “It’ll work? You mean it’s only adequate?”

“No, it’s very adequate.”

“What’s wrong with it?”

“Oh, it’s a good title. It’s just too epic.”

This confused me. How could that possibly be a bad thing?

“Well, it means that the style of the DIE YOU UNDEAD MONSTROSITY JUST DIE ALREADY blog has to match the title. What will you be writing about?”
“A variety of things. Reviews, short stories, various ideas. I was thinking my first post would be about how awesome Pizza is.”


“… because seriously, what’s more epic than Pizza?”

“Lots of things.”

“Like what?”

“Um… mushrooms.”

“Mushrooms are not more epic than Pizza, I’m sorry.”

“You just haven’t tried mushrooms the right way.”

“No. Mushrooms cannot be more epic than pizza. Pizza cures cancer and creates world peace. Science and history prove it.”

“Oh really? How have history and science FEEL THE WRATH OF MY ENCHANTED ARROWS MAGGOTS proven that?”

I spent the next several minutes laying out numerous compelling arguments for the superiority of pizza over… whatever he was talking about with mushrooms. (maybe a special way of broiling them?) Alas, my powers of persuasion were wasted on ears interested only in the wailing and torment of his dying, pixilated foes, and I was forced to conclude that my title was, in fact, epic in all the right ways.

This blog is intended to be an outlet for my writing. I’m an aspiring film maker who dabbles in novels, short stories, and articles, but rarely finishes any and often finds himself going weeks without writing anything of value. This blog is an attempt to correct that. I will make at least five entries every week, and attempt to write daily entries. Some will be tales, some snippets of screenplays, some movie reviews, perhaps some Doctor Who reviews, even some amateur analyses of politics or theology.

And every now and then, I’ll even try to write about something important. Like the awesomeness of pizza.



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